Diploma in Early Childhood Education

Diploma in Early Childhood Education


Entry Requirements

  • Open to applicants from Science/Technical and Arts streams


General University Requirements


  • Open to individuals of Malay descent, Native of Sabah, Native of Sarawak, and Orang Asli only.
  • Must possess SPM or its equivalent recognized by the Malaysian government with THREE (3) credits including Bahasa Melayu


  • Pass in History (Effective from SPM 2013)


  1. Candidates who complete this program can apply to any faculty by fulfilling the specific requirements set by the University
  2. Candidates MUST have the required MUET results before applying for the Bachelor's level


Specific Program Requirements

  1. SPM Graduates


Meet the GENERAL UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTS with at least FIVE (5) credits including:

- Minimum Grade B in English


Pass the interview conducted by the Faculty of Education.


Candidates must not be blind/color blind and must not have any physical disabilities that would hinder practical work.



  1. SPM Graduates with Work Experience

Possess SPM or its equivalent recognized by the Malaysian government with Two (2) credits in any subjects and Pass Three (3) other subjects along with Three (3) years of work experience in a related field (Early Childhood Education, or other equivalent fields).


Pass the interview conducted by the Faculty of Education.


Candidates must not be blind/color blind and must not have any physical disabilities that would hinder practical work.


iii. STPM Graduates

CGPA 2.00

At least Grade C (2.00) in General Studies and Grade C (2.00) in Two (2) other subjects.


Pass the interview conducted by the Faculty of Education.


Candidates must not be blind/color blind and must not have any physical disabilities that would hinder practical work.


  1. STAM Graduates

Pass STAM or its equivalent recognized by the Malaysian Government with a minimum Grade of Maqbul (Pass).


Pass the interview conducted by the Faculty of Education.


Candidates must not be blind/color blind and must not have any physical disabilities that would hinder practical work.


  1. Certificate Level 3 Graduates, MQF

Pass SKM Level 3 in Early Childhood Care/Preschool course




Possess SPM/Equivalent with at least Three (3) credits.


Obtain a Level 3 Certificate, MQF or its equivalent.



Pass the interview conducted by the Faculty of Education.


Candidates must not be blind/color blind and must not have any physical disabilities that would hinder practical work.


  1. UiTM Pre-Diploma Graduates

Pass the Upgrade (LNT) program in Pre-Diploma Science (PD007/PD008) and Pre-Diploma Commerce (BA002/BA003) from UiTM with at least a CGPA of 3.00.

vii. APEL (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning)

Pass MQA (Aptitude Test and Portfolio Assessment). Be at least 20 years old in the year of application. Have at least THREE (3) years of work experience in a related field (Early Childhood Education or other equivalent fields).


Pass the interview conducted by the Faculty of Education


Candidates must not be blind/color blind and must not have any physical disabilities that would hinder practical work.

Candidates do not need to take the MUET exam before this program. However, candidates need to take it for the Bachelor's level.

Prerequisite requirements and other qualifications/conditions if needed.


Requirements for students to take any special courses for those who do not meet the entry criteria, general and specific requirements as approved by the Senate.

  • APEL (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning)
  • Pass MQA (Aptitude Test and Portfolio Assessment).
  • Be at least 20 years old in the year of application.
  • Have at least THREE (3) years of work experience in a related field (Early Childhood Education or other equivalent fields)


  • Pass the interview conducted by the Faculty of Education


  • Candidates must not be blind/color blind and must not have any physical disabilities that would hinder practical work.

Category of disabled persons accepted into this program.

Disabled Persons (OKU): Candidates must not have physical and mental disabilities that would hinder practical work. OKU candidates who can apply for this program include those with learning disabilities (Dyslexia) and slow learners. Candidates must also pass the interview.


Address :
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Fakulti Pendidikan
Aras 5 & 7, Bangunan FSK 1, 5
Kampus Puncak Alam
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA

General Enquiry :
Tel: +603-3258 4920/4922/4990/4991
Fax: +603-3258 4994

Enquiry (Faculty’s Events & Academic Programs) :
Email : educorporate@uitm.edu.my