History of the Faculty


 A Brief History of the Faculty of Education UiTM

The history of the faculty had its beginning in the Centre for Preparatory Studies, which offered the Bachelor of Education in TESL, a joint program with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). In December 1996, UiTM was granted the authority by the Ministry of Education to run its own TESL degree program, thus paving to the establishment in August 1997 with approval from the UiTM Board of Directors.

In 1997, the faculty conducted a special degree program known as the Program Pensiswazahan Guru-guru Lepasan Kursus Diploma Perguruan Khas (KDPK) in TESL, Art Education, Physical and Health Education, Music Education and School Resource Centre Management. In November 2001, the faculty began offering the Master of Education TESL by coursework and the Master of Education and PhD Programs by research.

The Faculty is also involved in a joint program with the Ministry of Education which commenced in 2002, offering special degree programs knows as the Program Khas Pensiswazahan Guru (PKPG) to non-graduate teachers. The PKPG program is aimed at producing graduate teachers in the following areas: TESL, Art Education, Multimedia Interactive, Physical and Health Education, Mathematics and Science Education.

In November 2005, the faculty embarked on yet another joint program with the Ministry of Education by offering the Bachelor in Education (Honours) majoring in Educational Management. The special joint program is also fondly known as Program Khas Pensiswazahan Guru Besar or in short, PKPGB. The Program is offered at UiTM Shah Alam and UiTM Sarawak campuses.

Today the faculty consists of 83 teaching experts with 5 full-fledged Professors. There are presently 1 Asasi TESL program, 7 bachelor degree programs, 4 master by coursework programs, 1 master by research program, 1 postgraduate diploma program, and 1 PhD program; in addition to offering the Diploma in Early Childhood Education for its first intake in 2025. Consistent in producing dynamic graduates that transcends the employability barriers, the Faculty of Education has become a dynamic, versatile melting pot for future leaders and extraordinaires.


Address :
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
Fakulti Pendidikan
Aras 5 & 7, Bangunan FSK 1, 5
Kampus Puncak Alam
42300 Bandar Puncak Alam
Selangor Darul Ehsan, MALAYSIA

General Enquiry :
Tel: +603-3258 4920/4922/4990/4991
Fax: +603-3258 4994

Enquiry (Faculty’s Events & Academic Programs) :
Email : educorporate@uitm.edu.my